This covers were made for Coverartober. It's a challenge similar to inktober (it's a list with one theme for each day of october) but we have to make a CD cover instead of a drawing.
1. sunflower lake
2. hyperpink
3. Night shift
4. computer garden
5. plus2love
6. son smile
8. The future of music
9. Bismuth
10. Spiral
11. waterfall song
13. misplaced thoughts
14. bridges
16. Hit me up, sunshine!
17. so ok
18. à contre courant
19. 64era
20. The butterfly effect
21. J'entends encore l'orage
22. Why2k
23. (not) so many options
24. moon children
25. stuck dans mon phone
26. Decay
27. god compleX
28. Tow truck road trip
29. everything we need is already here.
30. 410,757,864,530 DEAD CARPS
31. Happiness has to be fought for
October 2023.
1. Nuage
2. everybody is dead
3. altar
4. meadow meltdown
5. time to touch grass
6. air time
7. bulles
8. my house burned down
9. Abaddon
10. not now, i'm sleeping
October 2022.